Thursday, April 24, 2008

Arroz Con Leche, yum!

I'm going to work on this some more to make it look more rice-y & cinnamon-y and I've thought of a couple more mexican things I would like to make to go along with this...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Death of my laptop...Again

My hard drive fell off the face of the Earth on friday, and I have been trying everything to restore it. No Luck. I must start over again. At least it is only from 3 months ago, and I do have a lot backed up. Still though I am pissed at myself for not saving more!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I don't have a shirt design yet because I'm lame, but I'll tell you who isn't lame: Mo. For her portfolio show she gave out these nifty little coffee cup toppers that I adored. And now look who's passing them out! Starbucks!

First Steph re-envisioned the folder and now this. Good job, ladies. All I've envisioned lately is what I'm having for lunch because, damn I'm hungry.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

French Bulldog ________

This is still a work in progress. I am definitely going to change up the colors and perhaps add some elements. I want to add a word or a phrase to the box but I can't quite decide what. Any Suggestions for tags??

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hello All

I wanted to post a little something explaining what we're doing here in case anyone stumbles onto this blog.

Nerds of Design started because five college chums missed homework so much that they wanted to do more of it... without having to go back to school of course. We each work in different aspects of the design field (print production, advertising, publication and fashion/accessories production.) We love photography, typography, illustration, fancy paper, texture, letterpress, pantone swatchbooks and beer :)

This is our spot to pick topics and design something based on what we choose. We wanted a place to test out a new technique we're dabbling in or to better perfect a theme that we've used before. Most of all we wanted to design something just for the sake of designing. No deadlines, projections or approvals here.

So far we've done our welcome post. Stephanie took the first turn of designing our masthead (we plan on changing it once a month.) I'm excited to see what we post and to get back into designing what we want to do.