Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My turn! I'm down with keeping it simple this time, and this is where I landed with that. While I'm partial to the B on the left, for this card I'm thinking maybe not... (I just really want to find a project I can use that alphabet in!)

Much like Steph, I'm starting to put my site together and want to have the two be cohesive. There may be some changes, but wanted to post this as a jumping off point... and when it's all done, I'll include my web address 'cause I forgot it here already... whoops!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Business Cards from Steph

This is a thought for my business cards. I want to keep it simple and include my Chum character as a branding element. I am working on my website and this should support it's design well. I don't want to print anything before my site is complete so changes may be coming in the near future : )

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Redesigning the Stop Sign

We work in a great business, gang!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Business Cards from Mo

I designed these cards with letterpress printing in mind. I just recently finished letterpress class that you can read about at my blog. The first design would be on darker green stock with the design elements letterpressed in a lighter yellow green and my info in a cream color (pearlized cream color would be ideal.) Pretty adventurous since we barely learned how to register 1-color printing but I'm sure I can do it!
This second design would be a 1 color job with my info and the border pressed in yellow on grey stock. The design pattern would be a blind emboss (no color impression) into the grey stock.

No phone number as of yet because I might get a new phone/number so I'll leave that out for now...
I'm not sure if to go with "Graphic Designer/Letterpress Printer" because that's what I am called or "Graphic Design/Letterpress" as in services I can do. What do you think gang?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Oy! Business Cards

This week personal business cards are on the to do list. It has been sometime since any of us have designed our little calling cards. In a search for fresh ideas I came across If you are familiar with Etsy you probably know all about them. They have some really cool printing options one of which is Business Cards where you can upload 50 different designs and/or images for the backs. If you are like me and can never make up your mind on what to design for yourself or you just have ADD when it comes to your own branding this may be an option for you. Keep in mind that the design on the front looks a bit limited since they provide templates (though uploading your own front side may be available). They also have Mini Cards. These are smaller than the standard business card but the trade off is that you can do 100 different designs! Happy designing!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Font Game

I don't want to brag or nothin', but I got 14 right. ON MY FIRST TRY. Sure, it was out of 34, but still...

I'll be studying my fonts now...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Leader of the Beet Army.

Somewhere, I have a big-girl camera. And I was going to wait until I found it to post, but it seems that somebody just can't wait. You'll have to settle for my phone shots. Sorry!

Dwight K. Schrute. Assistant (to the) Regional Manager, Scranton Branch.