Monday, August 11, 2008

Business Cards from Mo

I designed these cards with letterpress printing in mind. I just recently finished letterpress class that you can read about at my blog. The first design would be on darker green stock with the design elements letterpressed in a lighter yellow green and my info in a cream color (pearlized cream color would be ideal.) Pretty adventurous since we barely learned how to register 1-color printing but I'm sure I can do it!
This second design would be a 1 color job with my info and the border pressed in yellow on grey stock. The design pattern would be a blind emboss (no color impression) into the grey stock.

No phone number as of yet because I might get a new phone/number so I'll leave that out for now...
I'm not sure if to go with "Graphic Designer/Letterpress Printer" because that's what I am called or "Graphic Design/Letterpress" as in services I can do. What do you think gang?


Deek said...

im vibing on the green ones! they look super sick!! i also dig the design element for the background.
Good Work MO-FO

Brand-One said...

sorry, I have been so out of the loop, it is rediculous. Its been really tough lately at work, and I have no time for anything :( But enough of me! Mo I love the Green card, great job. Keep the "Letterpress" take off the "Printer" I think it sounds better, and people should realize that you do that.

brendeja said...

Good job, Mo!

I'm a little torn between these-- I really like the gray/yellow color combo, but think it's not at full effect. Would it be too BANG! KAPOW! to reverse the info box? Make it a yellow box with your name, etc. in gray?

About the green one... I almost want to see the info run horizontal and break away from the angle of the design. It kinda feels like the graphics have top priority and your info was just an aside.

Ummm... yeah. Those are my comments. And I agree with Brando that you don't need the word printer on them.

oh, hello friend. said...

I'm personally a big fan of the color combo yellow & gray but I love green too. so I'm torn.

I think they're both awesome though - very simple & clean look. Love the pattern & font selection too! i would definitely say 'graphic design & letterpress' is sounds classy. or vice versa.

Maybe you could make both since you own your own letterpress machine ;)
(did i spell own your own right? that seems very strange when used together in a sentence.)

Anyway, great work! can't wait to see the final printed piece!