Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Leader of the Beet Army.

Somewhere, I have a big-girl camera. And I was going to wait until I found it to post, but it seems that somebody just can't wait. You'll have to settle for my phone shots. Sorry!

Dwight K. Schrute. Assistant (to the) Regional Manager, Scranton Branch.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Adidas and ReadyMech Would Approve (maybe)

I used a ReadyMech template, made some adjustments and then created my own character. It's a little Laker fan just in time for some intense Playoff games. Like them or not you got to admit her Adidas stripes are awesome.

Just to be formal, I would like to mention that this project was for personal use only. Got to give credit and stay out of trouble : )