Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Adidas and ReadyMech Would Approve (maybe)

I used a ReadyMech template, made some adjustments and then created my own character. It's a little Laker fan just in time for some intense Playoff games. Like them or not you got to admit her Adidas stripes are awesome.

Just to be formal, I would like to mention that this project was for personal use only. Got to give credit and stay out of trouble : )


BEER said...

This is very cute Steph. What about the “boy” Laker fans????? This is sexism and you will be hearing from my attorney. Unless, you have the male version coming soon and I will drop all charges. :P

monique said...

I started sketching mine out too yay
Love the adidas stripes :)

brendeja said...

Love her! Her eyes especially are great and I like the the swirly kneecaps.

Way to kick us all into gear.

Mr. Elliott said...

Way to lead the pack Steph!

Anonymous said...

She has a nice package.... I mean nice package Steph. What a fun exploration.

Steph said...

I would very much like to see some more paper people. Ahem, fellow nerds?

brendeja said...

I am not being a very reliable nerd. Apologies.

Brand-One said...

sorry lady, I have been the worst on this. I still have a broke ass computer. I really like your Laker Girl, I think Kobe would like her.

.......... said...

soooo cute!